What is Inatô all about?


The homestay association was created in 2015, under the guidance of People and the Sea. It was always conceived to offer an alternative livelihood to the local families of Malapascua, as well as a conduit for building strong networks within the local community founded on trust and mutual co-operation.

While the first guests were often those who had come to volunteer with People and the Sea, the association has since grown to offer its services to the wider tourist industry with its unique selling point – the warmth of Filipino hospitality – proving to be a strong asset.


Inato Homestay is founded and accepts first guests.


Official Govt. business permits issued

+ 0 %

Average rise in family income for homestay families


1.5 million Pesos earned by homestay families since creation.


The main goal of Inato Homestay is to draw on the resources local residents  already have in place, which in turn has the benefit of bringing  an additional income to many families.

Beyond that, the project has also sought to strengthen the adoption of an environmental code of conduct. It has become an opportunity for guests to have a brief insight into the everyday life of Filipino families on the island.


Our vision is to see a tourism industry on Malapasuca, and the wider Philippines, that is truly sustainble, that works for the benefit of the environment upon which it depends and is driven by empowered local communities.

Most important to our vision are the following objectives:

1) To make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key element in tourism development, and in the process, maintain essential ecological systems, thereby helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity. Some examples include:

2) Respect the socio-cultural values and practices of the communities that are hosting tourists, while also contributing to both intra- and inter-cultural consciousness.

3) Ensure viable, long-term economic operations, particularly by providing socio-economic benefits to all stakeholders, which are further distributed in a manner the host families have deemed to be fair and equitable. For example, this includes, but is not limited to, providing trainings and income-earning opportunities to the host families.